Bezla is certified by most hotel brands to perform Hotel Sales & Marketing, eliminating the need for our hotel owners to onsite sales staff.
A hotel sales and marketing management with Bezla will provide the ability to forecast accurately, price confidently, and achieve greater profitability faster with the world's most trusted hotel sales and marketing solution Bezla.
Bezla pioneered hotel sales and marketing science. Today, our experts stand at the leading edge of hotel sales and marketing to help you further optimize revenue opportunities and profitability with less risk.
Bezla's commitment to excellence is supported by comprehensive training programs, based on our belief that every Bezla and hotel employee must be sales-oriented. Sales goals are uniquely established for each sales associate. From the moment of hiring and ongoing, we provide strategic training to our sales teams that incorporate our company's sales and marketing philosophies on building business. Bezla believes in the "back-to-basics" of calling on our customers personally while using the cutting-edge technology available to the hospitality industry today.
Since we already live in an era of sharpened competition, it is vital to develop a strong sense of sales and marketing strategies to ensure that your hotel is at the forefront of the many others on the market.
We provide clients with an amenable mix of services to constitute your image and drive revenue growth to develop a unique brand supported by appropriate collateral and formulate winning sales and marketing possibilities.
To qualify as a Bezla client, a minimum annual room night revenue of $1,000,000 is required. LLC
1800 JFK Blvd Suite 300 PMB 91649 Philadelphia, PA 19103
All Rights Reserved. BEZLA BEZLA.COM LLC is a registered trademark. The United States Patent and Trademark Office Registration Number 6618757.
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